Saturday, October 19, 2013

Elizabethan Collar

"Elizabethan Collar"
graphite on 400 lb Bristol
STOLEN 02/27/15
©Nancy Tokos

Sad to report, this painting has gone to a new home with a THIEF.  It's flattering but one does wonder what motivates another to take something without paying for it.  Please contact me if anyone tries to sell this to you.

Original.  Started with bleeding the 400 lb. paper in watercolor. I actually think there is more stand-out value in a simple drawing on stained paper. The grace of this pose and the delicate lace in the 600 year old collar compliments the effect of a little conte crayon and tiny dots of white chalk highlights.  This also makes an amazing portrait as 7x5 inches fits nicely on a fireplace mantle.

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